
Tummy Tuck

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What is Tummy Tuck Surgery?

Let’s face facts: even with a healthy lifestyle that consists of a well-balanced diet and regular visits to the gym, stubborn pockets of fat persist.

Luckily, we live in a world where advanced medical options help us reach our aesthetic goals. 最流行的塑身方法之一是腹部除皱. Say goodbye to those self-conscious moments staring in the mirror and go confidently out into the world.

Abdominoplasty, better known as a tummy tuck, 去除多余的脂肪和皮肤从个人的中下腹. 它也可能涉及腹壁肌肉的一些强化, 哪个能进一步改善腹部的整体轮廓. 

自2000年以来,每年做腹部博天堂旗舰厅的人数超过 doubled. Over 130,000 Americans chose this procedure in 2018. 这意味着全国平均每小时约有15例腹部博天堂旗舰厅!

At the Plastic Surgery Center of Nashville, tummy tucks are one of the post-bariatric surgical procedures we perform to remove excess skin folds which causes discomfort after significant weight loss. It is a great option for anyone looking to finally wipe away that last little bit of stubborn fat and achieve the silhouette of their dreams. 

如果你对腹部除皱术如何适用于你的特殊情况有疑问, 请不要犹豫,拨打615-467-6777或给我们留言 on our online form. You can also schedule an online appointment 在舒适的家中讨论您的选择. 

About Abdominoplasty

腹部除皱手术通常需要两到三个小时才能完成, depending on the extent of the procedure. 我们可以根据你想要的结果和解剖结构来修改这个程序. This modified version of abdominoplasty, known as a partial or mini tummy tuck, 目标更精确的区域,从肚脐到公共区域.

A full tummy tuck employs two incisions. One extends laterally from hipbone to hipbone, 另一个是从肚脐到周围组织. 首先,我们把皮肤从腹壁上分离出来,露出腹肌. Then we reinforce these muscles by pulling them together and securing them with sutures. This process will create a firmer midsection. 最后,去除多余的皮肤,覆盖在腹壁上. 抽脂术可以用来去除多余的脂肪.

What is a Mini Tummy Tuck?

When the abdominal wall is in good shape, but there is excess skin below the navel, we may recommend a mini tummy tuck. This modified version employs smaller incisions to remove excess skin in a smaller area. You and your board-vertified plastic surgeon will determine which procedure will work best for your goals during your consultation. 

Your Tummy Tuck Consultation

考虑做腹部除皱手术的人, 我们提供的咨询过程既丰富又无压力, 如果你改变了主意,你没有义务继续前进. You will meet face-to-face with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons who will provide all the information necessary for you to make an informed decision. 他们会给你做全面的博天堂旗舰版检查, 密切关注腹部多余的脂肪和皮肤.

你将成为手术计划的积极参与者,并学习医生如何. Melinda Haws or Dr. Mary Gingrass will plan to address your concerns. Once our surgeons have heard your goals, concerns and price point, we will provide an itemized cost analysis for you to consider and explain any financial options we have available if necessary.

With modern technology, we will give you a preview of what to expect from your results. At this stage, you will have another opportunity to address your lasting concerns with the procedure and ask any final questions.

Tummy Tuck Candidates

Candidates should approach abdominoplasty as a means to improve your abdominal contour and self-esteem. It should not be done to satisfy another’s opinion on how you should look or as a method for weight loss. 我们在这里帮助你迈出最后的一步,拥有一个你引以为傲的博天堂旗舰版

A tummy tuck should be considered if:

  • You have realistic expectations
  • 你腹部有顽固的脂肪和/或多余的皮肤
  • 你的体重很稳定或者接近你的目标体重
  • You don’t smoke or are willing to quit

Good candidates are in relatively good health, 没有妨碍康复过程的疾病吗, and are non-smokers.

Tummy Tuck Costs and Financing

The cost of abdominoplasty varies with the level of correction necessary and the technique we employ (mini vs. full tummy tuck), among other factors. We will discuss tummy tuck costs during your initial tummy tuck consultation and provide help with our financing options if necessary.

Meet the Doctors

Learn about our Board-Certified plastic surgeons and why you should choose two RealSelf 500 award winners for your next procedure!

Meet the Doctors

Learn about our Board-Certified plastic surgeons and why you should choose two RealSelf 500 award winners for your next procedure!

After Abdominoplasty Surgery

After your procedure, you will experience some swelling and discomfort for the first few days. 任何疼痛或不适都可以通过口服药物治疗. 5到7天后,表面缝线将被拆除. Support garments can replace any dressings on your surgical incisions, as instructed by your surgeon.

What is the Recovery Process from Abdominoplasty?

It may take several weeks or perhaps even months before you will start to feel normal again. 你应该期待肿胀需要四到六个月才能完全消退. Those individuals in good physical condition and with strong abdominal muscles will most likely experience a quicker recovery.

尽管运动有助于改善手术后的愈合,  you should avoid any type of strenuous activity, or vigorous exercise until you feel comfortable. It may be necessary to wait until you have approval from your surgeon to participate in such workouts.

在康复期的前三到六个月, the surgical scars may appear to get worse. 然而,它们最终会平滑并消退. With proper wound healing during recovery, 在9个月到1年后,他们应该相当谨慎. Remember, the scars will not disappear completely, but most types of clothing, as well as bathing suits, can often successfully conceal them.

Potential Risks Associated with Abdominoplasty

At the Plastic Surgery Center of Nashville, we offer tummy tuck surgery with exceptional results. As with all surgical procedures, tummy tuck comes with certain risks and potential complications. These may include infection, blood clots, and hematoma, although these symptons are very rare. With a measured amount of antibiotics and continuous evaluation during the recovery period, 你会享受一个安全成功的康复过程.

Strolling around the house soon after surgery will help blood circulation and minimize the risk of clotting. It’s also good to be open and honest with your surgeon regarding current medications, smoking habits, or alcohol consumption. 这种诚实将有助于你的康复,并确保你的安全. 

Why Plastic Surgery Center of Nashville

当你考虑任何类型的美容或重建手术, 你应该只考虑有执业资格的整形外科医生. 

Drs. 玛丽·金格拉斯和梅林达·霍斯都是例外, board-certified plastic surgeons who recognize each patient’s unique perspective when facing cosmetic improvement. They both understand the importance of developing a relationship with their patients and are committed to making each individual’s cosmetic surgery experience as rewarding as possible.

To learn more on how you can achieve a tighter midsection and improve your self-confidence, contact us today at 615-467-6777 or on our online form 问你具体的问题或安排腹部除皱咨询.


Many procedures we offer at the Plastic Surgery Center of Nashville can complement abdominoplasty. 这个手术最流行的配对之一是 liposuction. A tummy tuck is also commonly part of a mommy makeover, which typically includes surgery for the breasts, abdomen, 和生殖区域,以恢复怀孕后的博天堂旗舰版.

If you’re curious how much a tummy tuck costs in Nashville, come in for a consultation. Our surgeons will teach you more about the procedure and will provide a detailed estimate of your total cost.

我们经常可以配对程序,减少停机时间,同时提高结果. Many of our patients choose to combine breast augmentation with abdominoplasty, 你的外科医生可以在同一天进行手术, 这意味着你只需要担心一次恢复时间.

Some scarring is normal after any surgery, but don’t worry – for most patients, these scars are minimal. Drs. Gingrass和Haws小心地将腹部整形切口放在腹部的低处, usually below the bikini line. This placement ensures that your scars won’t be visible in most clothing or swimwear. 随着博天堂旗舰版的愈合,疤痕会减轻,变得不那么明显.

我们会讨论你的目标和腹肌无力的程度, excess skin, and subcutaneous fat across the abdominal wall. 我们还将讨论哪种腹部除皱技术对你的美容目标是理想的.  

在腹部除皱后的几天里,轻微到中度的不适是可能的. We’ll give you prescriptions to manage any pain.

很多人想知道腹部除皱和抽脂有什么不同. A tummy tuck will repair weakened or separated abdominal muscles and remove excess skin. If you have excess belly fat, 作为腹部博天堂旗舰厅的一部分,抽脂可以去除一小部分脂肪.  

Abdominoplasty doesn’t make any changes that can affect your ability to get pregnant and deliver a healthy baby. 然而,怀孕会拉伸你的皮肤,拉伤你的腹部肌肉. To avoid compromising your surgical results, we recommend waiting to get a tummy tuck until you are no longer planning to add to your family.

Schedule a Consultation

准备好预约我们的认证整形外科医生了? 今天博天堂旗舰版,安排您的咨询,开始您的审美之旅!